We serve adults involved in the justice system in Boulder County with a focus on the Saint Vrain Valley and surrounding areas. Specialized services to address the needs of those on Probation and Parole can be found under one roof. Our model of care is unique - we offer comprehensive treatment in conjunction with continuum of care and support to get folks back into their communities.

Care Management
TRI provides comprehensive, clinical case management to individuals post-release. Because we utilize a therapeutic lens we call it "care" management. Services include membership in a supportive community, assistance with obtaining necessary documents, access to employment and housing services, life skill classes, incentives for achievements, and referrals to outside programs.

Therapeutic Services
Our outpatient clinic offers holistic wellness practices and trauma-informed care. Services include individual and group therapies, substance use and addiction counseling, building resiliency/healing trauma, recovery classes, dialectical behavior therapy, parenting classes, and prosocial activities like gym memberships, nutrition classes, and art and music therapies. These services are provided free to our members on probation and parole.
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